Who Will be Given Your Property When You Die? Should Your Property Be Transferred During Your Lifetime?

At Hicks LeMoine Law our goal is to ensure that these are your decisions and are not imposed by others.

We provide advice and representation to reduce the tax and probate fees charged to your estate.

We will also assist you to make provision for your personal care and for the management of your finances should you at any time be unable to look after yourself or your finances.

Our services include:

  • Drafting Wills
  • Placing a Will, or details of inheritance where there is no Will, on public record after death (probate)
  • Acting as executors or trustees in special needs cases
  • Powers of Attorney/Consents to Medical Treatment & advance medical directives (“Living Will”)
  • Life-time transfers – including business succession planning & trusts
  • Advising Executors and Administrators about their duties and responsibilities, with or without a Will, including situations where probate is unnecessary
  • Tax and probate fee reduction recommendations
  • Advice about long term care assessments and governmental policy
Dave W. McNairn, LL.B.
Joshua E. Cormier, LL.B.
Thomas L. MacLaren, LL.B.
James B. W. Goodwin, LL.B.
Helen M. Tucker, J.D.
Gabrielle LeBlanc
Gabrielle LeBlanc, J.D.